小朋友超愛Dorina 的GO Baby Go 這首歌的-才二歲半喔,自創舞步

2010年1月17日 星期日

hear 和 listen的區別

hear 和 listen都是動詞

hear用在當聲音不經意的傳到你的耳朵裡 .
例1:I hear a strange noise coming from next door.我聽到隔壁有怪聲.
例2:I hear the bird singing outside. 我聽到小鳥在外面唱歌.
例3:Can you hear me? 你聽得到我說話嗎?(可用於二個朋友用手機對話時)

例1:I was listening to the radio last night. 我昨晚在聽廣播.
例2:I was listening to some music when you called me. 你打電話給我時,我正在聽(專心)音樂.
例3: A: What are you doing? 你在做什麼? B: I'm listening to a new CD.我正在聽一個新專輯.
例4:I'm listening to my English teacher's explanation about verb tenses. 我正在聽英文老師講解動詞時態.
例5:I always listen to my parents' advice. 我總是聽從父母的建議.

.單字延伸:overhear(v) 偶然聽到
 例:I accidentally overheard what they were saying. 我不小心聽到他們講的話.

 eaves是屋簷的意思,站在屋簷聽人家說話就變成偷聽了;eavsedrop加per--> eavesdropper意思是竊聽者.




ESL Quiz - 34 Easy Questions (Charles Kelly) I-TESL-J

34 Easy Questions

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. How often do you play tennis?
    a. On Tuesday.
    b. For two hours.
    c. Almost every day.
    d. With John.

  2. Where do you usually eat lunch?
    a. Sandwich.
    b. With Jane.
    c. At 12:00.
    d. In the cafeteria.

  3. How long did you study last night?
    a. With Bob.
    b. In my room.
    c. English.
    d. For three hours.

  4. What kind of novels do you like?
    a. Yes, I do.
    b. I like spy novels.

  5. What kind of work do you do?
    a. I work every day.
    b. I'm a piano teacher.
    c. I worked for two hours.

  6. How many hours a day do you watch TV?
    a. About two hours.
    b. In my living room.
    c. I watch the news.
    d. On Tuesday.

  7. What is your busiest day of the week?
    a. In the morning.
    b. Every day.
    c. Tuesday.
    d. Last week.

  8. My mother is a good cook.
    a. I agree with you.
    b. I agree you.
    c. I agree to you.
    d. I agree for you.

  9. What does "TV" mean?
    a. For one hour.
    b. Yes
    c. Television.
    d. For one hour.
    e. On Friday.

  10. How do you spell "dog"?
    a. No
    b. D-O-G
    c. No
    d. I don't
    e. Cat.
    f. I have one dog.

  11. What did you do yesterday?
    a. I am swimming.
    b. I swim.
    c. I will swim.
    d. I swam.

  12. What do you like to drink?
    a. Coffee.
    b. Saturday evening.
    c. Two.
    d. With my friends.

  13. What did you eat last night?
    a. At six.
    b. Spaghetti.
    c. With my family.
    d. At home.

  14. What are you doing?
    a. I'm eating.
    b. I ate.
    c. I will be eating.
    d. I have eaten.

  15. What will you do this afternoon?
    a. I play soccer.
    b. I played soccer.
    c. I'll play soccer.
    d. I was playing soccer.

  16. It seems to me that most restaurants are too expensive?
    a. I don't think it.
    b. I don't think.
    c. I don't think so.

  17. Where's Mike?
    a. At school.
    b. At eight.
    c. For three hours.
    d. No, he isn't.

  18. Where do you do your homework?
    a. With John.
    b. In the evening.
    c. About one hour.
    d. Every day.
    e. At home.

  19. When did you go to that restaurant?
    a. Spaghetti.
    b. With Jane.
    c. Last night.
    d. About 30 minutes.

  20. When was the last time you took a picture?
    a. A picture of Jane.
    b. Seven pictures.
    c. About four days ago.
    d. With my camera.

  21. What were you doing last night at 7:00?
    a. I sleep.
    b. I slept.
    c. I will be sleeping.
    d. I was sleeping.

  22. When will you mail that letter?
    a. Last night.
    b. To Jane.
    c. After school.

  23. What are you going to do after dinner?
    a. I took a bath
    b. I'll take a bath.
    c. I take a bath.

  24. How long have you been playing the trumpet?
    a. About 50 cm.
    b. For four years.
    c. In my room.
    d. By myself.

  25. How many hours a day do you sleep?
    a. I have slept 7 hours.
    b. I am sleeping 7 hours.
    c. I slept 7 hours.
    d. I sleep 7 hours.

  26. How often do you write letters?
    a. Two pages.
    b. Two times a week.
    c. Two people.
    d. Two hours.

  27. Where can I buy beer?
    a. When you are twenty years old.
    b. About two bottles.
    c. With Jane.
    d. At a liquor store.

  28. What's your favorite sport?
    a. Swim.
    b. Swimming.

  29. When was the last time you went shopping?
    a. Yesterday.
    b. Tomorrow.
    c. Near the Station.

  30. How often do you speak on the telephone?
    a. At least once a day.
    b. In the evening?
    c. For about 30 minutes.

  31. How many times have you gone camping?
    a. Three people.
    b. Three days.
    c. Three times.

  32. When's your birthday?
    a. November two.
    b. November twice.
    c. November second.

  33. Where are you from?
    a. New York.
    b. 1982.
    c. At school.

  34. How do you get to school?
    a. With train.
    b. In train.
    c. By train.

Copyright (C) 1996 Charles I. Kelly
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.