小朋友超愛Dorina 的GO Baby Go 這首歌的-才二歲半喔,自創舞步

2015年7月31日 星期五

麥克大師 美國創新學院雙學歷 英語教學法師訓
Ted Vieira美國創新學院雙學歷課程/E-learning教育的大翻轉
主辦單位: 美國創新學院雙學歷認證
協辦單位: 豆豆果英語教學研發
高雄場:201595日 〈星期六〉下午2:00-5:00

報名電話:0982-160558 / 0977-381785
講師:Michael KK Smith / Ted Vieira / Jennifer Chao
Michael KK Smith 講師》簡歷:
1. 2009
柏克萊大學教師村(UC Berkeley Village) 機械舞(popping)老師
2. 2008
奧克蘭啦啦隊Oakland cheerleader school 肢體教學老師(6 grade to 12 grade)/奧克蘭高中popping老師(Oakland high school
3. 2003~2008
加州阿爾巴尼市成人學校(Albany Adult School)肢體語言老師:教導街舞歷史, popping, 默劇,及肢體隔離技巧。
4. 2002~2012
加州阿爾巴尼市聯合校區(Albany elementary school district )特殊教育課程輔導老師:協助身障兒童課堂教學, popping教學, popping表演秀。
5. 2009~2104
台中湯尼英日語: 成人英文老師及演講評審。
6. 2011
7. 2012~2014
台中Alice American School ~六年級英文老師。
8. 2012:
應國美館之邀, 參與[與雕像共舞]活動: 以舞蹈來表現出雕塑的精神與魅力; 以舞者的肢體動感,來詮釋東尼.克雷格的雕塑所想表達的意境與感情。
9. 2013:
10. 2014:
應國美館之邀, 參與[用線條去旅行]藝術下鄉方案。
11. 2015:
通過台中街頭藝人考試, 並獲得執照
在加州柏克萊, 發行Regular Ol Poet 詩集1~4
在台灣發行兒童繪本"你喜歡詩嗎?"(Do you like poetry?)
老師有30年習舞經驗,在加州Albany中小學區, 亦有十年的工作經驗,他在課堂上,協助教導中小學, 及高中的肢障學生。除此之外, 並在學校開一門popping課。他擅長以肢體語言(觸覺、身體語言、遊戲、舞蹈或其它方法)來溝通,傳達訊息。在課堂上,以詼諧的教學方式,引起學生注 意力, 進而讓學生對英文產生興趣,多年的舞台經驗, 亦讓Michael老師能以極佳的互動表演方法來維持學生的學習動力,並循序漸進的經由表演及互動,讓學生能增進字彙及口說能力,進而增加說英文的樂趣及 自信!Michael老師也是舊金山灣區著名的機器人舞者。
Ted Vieira 講師》
1. 美國創新學院 執行董事
2. 美國特許學校顧問
Ted Vieira2012年投入創新學院(Innovative Academies),他以他特殊的溝通才華,及對教育的前曕性思考,聯結了美國四所知名學校,開放雙學歷課程,讓全世界的中小學生,都有獲取美國學歷的管道。Ted 擅長於商業管理、策略行銷及國際教育的推廣。2015年,在短短的半年內,不僅將國際性的雙學歷課程推廣到中國沿海各大都市,廣州、上海、北京、潘陽等等各中小學,而且在中國造成風潮。加入者不計其數。今年很榮幸邀請Ted來台灣,特地將此雙學歷課程介紹給台灣的學校及老師。
Jennier Chao 講師》簡歷:
舊金山金門大學Golden Gate University Marketing BBA
基礎班/衝刺班 老師
社區知性講座講師: 社區成長課程講座
日本INCS Tortrading公司,美國分公司銷售顧問
8. Innovative Academies
美國創新學院 雙學歷課程台灣顧問
1. 萬用英文遊戲教學DEMO
2. Mike
9. 美國老師如何教小孩的?
10. 美國學校課程(雙學歷課程)在教育上的優勢
銀行帳號:台中合作金庫銀行-永安分行 帳號1715 765 608468 戶名:趙惠珍
◎ line
帳號: iataiwan
匯款完成後,收據連同您的中英文姓名、電話、email及參加課程主題,line或是傳簡訊回主辦單位,並來電0982-160558 0977-381785 與教學組確認

Michael KK Smith 麥克大師 美國創新學院雙學歷 英語教學法師訓

◎ 主辦單位: 美國創新學院雙學歷認證
◎ 協辦單位: 豆豆果英語教學研發
◎ 時間:
台北場:2015年8月23日 〈星期日〉下午1:30--4:00
台中場:2015年8月29日 〈星期六〉下午1:30--4:00

◎ 地點: 台北場:台北市重慶南路一段10號六樓,台北捷運站前地下街 Z10 號出口
台中場:台中市北區陝西路89號B1 (靠近北平路交叉口,靖學文教中心)

◎ 報名電話:0982-160558 / 0977-381785
◎ 講師:Michael KK Smith / Jennifer Chao
◎ 報名截止日期:限40人,額滿為止

《Michael KK Smith 講師》
1. 2009柏克萊大學教師村(UC Berkeley Village) 機械舞(popping)老師
2. 2008奧克蘭啦啦隊Oakland cheerleader school 肢體教學老師(6 grade to 12 grade)/奧克蘭高中popping老師(Oakland high school)
3. 2003~2008加州阿爾巴尼市成人學校(Albany Adult School)肢體語言老師:教導街舞歷史, popping, 默劇,及肢體隔離技巧。
4. 2002~2012加州阿爾巴尼市聯合校區(Albany elementary school district )特殊教育課程輔導老師:協助身障兒童課堂教學, popping教學, 及popping表演秀。
5. 2009~2104 台中湯尼英日語: 成人英文老師及演講評審。
6. 2011 應東西文化圖書之邀,在台北,台中,高雄,越南舉辦英文老師師訓。
7. 2012~2014 台中Alice American School 一~六年級英文老師。
8. 2012: 應國美館之邀, 參與[與雕像共舞]活動: 以舞蹈來表現出雕塑的精神與魅力; 以舞者的肢體動感,來詮釋東尼.克雷格的雕塑所想表達的意境與感情。
9. 2013: 沙鹿洛泉社區[舞動一夏]popping方案:教導長者肢體律動及popping。
10. 2014: 應國美館之邀, 參與[用線條去旅行]藝術下鄉方案。
11. 2015: 通過台中街頭藝人考試, 並獲得執照 著作: 在加州柏克萊, 發行Regular Ol Poet 詩集1~4冊 2014在台灣發行兒童繪本"你喜歡詩嗎?"(Do you like poetry?)

Michael老師有30年習舞經驗,在加州Albany中小學區, 亦有十年的工作經驗,他在課堂上,協助教導中小學, 及高中的肢障學生。除此之外, 並在學校開一門popping課。他擅長以肢體語言(觸覺、身體語言、遊戲、舞蹈或其它方法)來溝通,傳達訊息。在課堂上,以詼諧的教學方式,引起學生注意力, 進而讓學生對英文產生興趣,多年的舞台經驗, 亦讓Michael老師能以極佳的互動表演方法來維持學生的學習動力,並循序漸進的經由表演及互動,讓學生能增進字彙及口說能力,進而增加說英文的樂趣及自信!Michael老師也是舊金山灣區著名的機器人舞者。

《Jennier Chao 講師》
1. 舊金山金門大學Golden Gate University Marketing BBA
2. 弘光大學:全民英檢衝刺班外聘老師
3. TFLSA英文演講比賽口試及聽力評審
 4. TOEIC基礎班/衝刺班 老師
 5. 資深國小、國中、英文老師
6. 社區知性講座講師: 社區成長課程講座
7. 日本INCS Tortrading公司,美國分公司銷售顧問
8. Innovative Academies美國創新學院 雙學歷課程台灣顧問

1. 萬用英文遊戲教學DEMO
2. Mike大師英文教學句型活動
3. 英文會話快速教學法
4. 肢體律動TPR教學DEMO
5. 情境教學,大量提升孩子學習動力
6. 了解美國創新學院雙學歷課程教學法
7. 英文戲劇互動式教學法
8. 全美語教學與教室管理技巧

◎ 銀行帳號:台中合作金庫銀行-永安分行 帳號1715 765 608468 戶名:趙惠珍
◎ line 帳號: iataiwan
◎ 報名費用:一人400元,三人以上一人300元
◎ 匯款完成後,收據連同您的中英文姓名、電話、住址、email及參加課程主題,line或是傳簡訊回主辦單位,並來電0982-160558或 0977-381785 與教學組確認 上完3小時會發結業證書


ESL Quiz - 34 Easy Questions (Charles Kelly) I-TESL-J

34 Easy Questions

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. How often do you play tennis?
    a. On Tuesday.
    b. For two hours.
    c. Almost every day.
    d. With John.

  2. Where do you usually eat lunch?
    a. Sandwich.
    b. With Jane.
    c. At 12:00.
    d. In the cafeteria.

  3. How long did you study last night?
    a. With Bob.
    b. In my room.
    c. English.
    d. For three hours.

  4. What kind of novels do you like?
    a. Yes, I do.
    b. I like spy novels.

  5. What kind of work do you do?
    a. I work every day.
    b. I'm a piano teacher.
    c. I worked for two hours.

  6. How many hours a day do you watch TV?
    a. About two hours.
    b. In my living room.
    c. I watch the news.
    d. On Tuesday.

  7. What is your busiest day of the week?
    a. In the morning.
    b. Every day.
    c. Tuesday.
    d. Last week.

  8. My mother is a good cook.
    a. I agree with you.
    b. I agree you.
    c. I agree to you.
    d. I agree for you.

  9. What does "TV" mean?
    a. For one hour.
    b. Yes
    c. Television.
    d. For one hour.
    e. On Friday.

  10. How do you spell "dog"?
    a. No
    b. D-O-G
    c. No
    d. I don't
    e. Cat.
    f. I have one dog.

  11. What did you do yesterday?
    a. I am swimming.
    b. I swim.
    c. I will swim.
    d. I swam.

  12. What do you like to drink?
    a. Coffee.
    b. Saturday evening.
    c. Two.
    d. With my friends.

  13. What did you eat last night?
    a. At six.
    b. Spaghetti.
    c. With my family.
    d. At home.

  14. What are you doing?
    a. I'm eating.
    b. I ate.
    c. I will be eating.
    d. I have eaten.

  15. What will you do this afternoon?
    a. I play soccer.
    b. I played soccer.
    c. I'll play soccer.
    d. I was playing soccer.

  16. It seems to me that most restaurants are too expensive?
    a. I don't think it.
    b. I don't think.
    c. I don't think so.

  17. Where's Mike?
    a. At school.
    b. At eight.
    c. For three hours.
    d. No, he isn't.

  18. Where do you do your homework?
    a. With John.
    b. In the evening.
    c. About one hour.
    d. Every day.
    e. At home.

  19. When did you go to that restaurant?
    a. Spaghetti.
    b. With Jane.
    c. Last night.
    d. About 30 minutes.

  20. When was the last time you took a picture?
    a. A picture of Jane.
    b. Seven pictures.
    c. About four days ago.
    d. With my camera.

  21. What were you doing last night at 7:00?
    a. I sleep.
    b. I slept.
    c. I will be sleeping.
    d. I was sleeping.

  22. When will you mail that letter?
    a. Last night.
    b. To Jane.
    c. After school.

  23. What are you going to do after dinner?
    a. I took a bath
    b. I'll take a bath.
    c. I take a bath.

  24. How long have you been playing the trumpet?
    a. About 50 cm.
    b. For four years.
    c. In my room.
    d. By myself.

  25. How many hours a day do you sleep?
    a. I have slept 7 hours.
    b. I am sleeping 7 hours.
    c. I slept 7 hours.
    d. I sleep 7 hours.

  26. How often do you write letters?
    a. Two pages.
    b. Two times a week.
    c. Two people.
    d. Two hours.

  27. Where can I buy beer?
    a. When you are twenty years old.
    b. About two bottles.
    c. With Jane.
    d. At a liquor store.

  28. What's your favorite sport?
    a. Swim.
    b. Swimming.

  29. When was the last time you went shopping?
    a. Yesterday.
    b. Tomorrow.
    c. Near the Station.

  30. How often do you speak on the telephone?
    a. At least once a day.
    b. In the evening?
    c. For about 30 minutes.

  31. How many times have you gone camping?
    a. Three people.
    b. Three days.
    c. Three times.

  32. When's your birthday?
    a. November two.
    b. November twice.
    c. November second.

  33. Where are you from?
    a. New York.
    b. 1982.
    c. At school.

  34. How do you get to school?
    a. With train.
    b. In train.
    c. By train.

Copyright (C) 1996 Charles I. Kelly
This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.